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Architectural concervancy design group
Carter Wallace is driven to better our food systems starting with the
way we think about them.  As a UCCE Master Gardener and
Producer/Co-host of KPFK's "Focus on Food," Carter is spreading the
message of healing our relationship with our Earth, and building
community through an engagement with our food.  Carter is also the
assistant director at Pasadena Learning Gardens,
www.pasadenalearninggardens.org, which is committed to resourcing
individuals and communities to be the change they want to see.  In
addition, Carter is currently training in Permaculture design,
beekeeping, and traditional food preparation.  Tune in to KPFK 90.7's
"Focus on Food" to hear the likes of Vandana Shiva, Raj Patel, Jeffrey
Smith, Erik Knutzen, and all the LA movers and shakers working to
better our local food shed.  Archives and information at
Carter Wallace